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Breitling Replica Watches

The strap was the focus of one of the most lengthy processes in the design process. At this point, it was decided that the project would be based in London, The Rake's hometown. Benoit Lecigne, the brand director of Breitling Replica Watches for UK and France and a Rakish character himself, and I spent several long hours working on the perfect bracelet. We played with the idea that we could use shark, then suede. We tried leathers to resemble the horsehide that was used on our favorite motorcycle jackets.Breitling Replica Watches We finally found the answer in Basel, Switzerland, this past March, at a spontaneous and fortuitous meeting between Ricardo and Benoit and myself, with a man I regard as one of the most innovative innovators within his traditional field. Carlito Fuente is the name of this man.

Carlito Fuente, cigar master and designer of the Breitling Replica Watches Aerofusion Chronograph Special Edition 'The Rake', was the inspiration behind the strap.

Arturo Fuente has become a legend within the world of cigars. He left Cuba in 1902 after the Spanish American war. In 1912, he founded his own cigar brand using Cuban tobacco but cigars rolled by Florida. He believed that although Cuba produced the best tobacco leaves the quality and standards of quality control of production could be improved. Carlos Arturo, who would soon become a legend in his own rights, traveled the world after the Cuban embargo to sample leaves from Puerto Rico, Mexico, and other places. After arriving in Nicaragua, Carlos found the tobacco so appealing that he decided to start a production facility there. However, the factory was destroyed by the revolution.

Carlos Jr. or Carlito and Carlos started from scratch in 1980, with the lofty goal of producing cigars that rivaled the best Habana. The first blind international tasting was won by the Californian winemakers.IWC Ingenieur Replica Watches Fuente, and its soon-to-be fabled Opus X cigars were as sought after as Cohiba cigars or Trinidad cigars because of their complex palette.

Guadalupe Lecigne, and I looked at the perfectly oiled wrappers on our Opus Xs and said that the straps would be a tribute to Carlito's alchemic blends to create some of the world's most famous cigars. Fuente has agreed to be a part of our watch project. He will also be at the launch to give a taste of his legendary smokes. It was then that philosophy, warrior cultures, sybaritism, and passion, all combined to form a heady blend that, just like the perfect blended cigar, produced a result I believe is greater than its parts.

The watch still lacked a name, and one last important detail. As I was inspired by the story about Leonidas and 300 Spartans, I realized what should be. The words that Leonidas used to respond to Xerxes' command to lay down his arm are engraved on the back of the titanium case of each watch. "Molon labe." This means "Come get them." I believe that this will empower any man who straps the watch to his wrist.
